The general clearing members shall open an account of futures deposits in the depositary bank of futures deposits to deposit the deposits of their clients and trading members and the relevant funds. 全面结算会员应当在期货保证金存管银行开设期货保证金账户,用于存放其客户和交易会员的保证金及相关款项。
Futures general clearing dealer Shenyang Auto Frame Factory produces auto frame, truck cabin and cargo van. 期货通用结算交易商沈阳汽车车架厂是汽车车架、车驾驶室和货厢总成的专业制造商。
This paper introduces the general situation of Waste Copper polluted by lead and the current domestic method for clearing out lead from Waste Copper by Fire-refining. 本文在介绍了杂铜含铅概况,以及目前国内除铅工艺现状。
Futures general clearing dealer 期货通用结算交易商
Futures general clearing dealer How does the commodity-trading system operate? 期货通用结算交易商期货贸易是怎样进行的?
After a few hundred words of gung-ho waffle and general throat clearing, comes the following: "to gain better use of these advantages, we will implement targeted cost initiatives including staff reductions impacting approximately 1400 of our workforce." 在几百个字雄心勃勃的废话和清嗓子练习之后,邮件写道:“为了更好地利用这些优势,我们将实施有针对性的成本控制举措,包括减员,受影响员工在1400人左右。”
This article has discussed the following problems: carrying out academic organization work in general university libraries, clearing up the dialectical relation between academic study and readers service, setting up an academic team and establishing a complete academic management mechanism. 对普通本科高校图书馆开展学术组织工作,学术研究与读者服务的辩证关系,建立科研骨干队伍和建立建全科研工作管理机制等方面做出论述。
The adding drug general are more with supplement, sedative, clearing heat. Pediatric often join liver pacifying wind subduing drugs, surgery adding wind damp dispelling drugs. 加味药一般以补虚、安神、清热之品为多,其中儿科常加入平肝息风药,而外科则加入祛风湿药。
Through adding general provisions of illegal mining behaviors, clearing out the intervention boundary between administrative behavior and the judicial behavior, constructing mineral resources protection system of criminal law, adjusting the legal punishment setting, these problems can be solved. 通过在列举非法采矿行为时增设兜底性条款、明确行政行为与司法行为介入的界限、构建矿产资源的刑法保护体系和调整法定刑的设置等方式使得非法采矿罪的问题得以解决。